
Archive for March, 2009

Apologies Needed

I discover daily the apologies we need to be making as a country to the men and women in our country who served in Vietnam.

Heck, our country is just apologizing to the Filipino veterans whom we promised to take care of during WW2 if only they would come and fight for us. This year, they will receive a monetary payment for their service. It’s only several decades too late. Please read the story here

I viewed a documentary today that demonstrated the next generation of warriors for our country that we will be apologizing to: our women. I hope and pray that the movie, Lioness will make it into public viewings soon. We had access to it at work. I sat in a room with nearly 80 women veterans from the WW2 era until today. I heard tears of my sisters as they sobbed aloud, heard the young voices echo “I was there too”, and watched as brave women could no longer watch the reality of soldiers each day. Team Lioness describes the unit of women who are brought into combat zones (which incidentally is illegal according to US law). The women are used to search the local women of Iraq and Afghanistan. The women in one combat zone were used in a search effort to protect the translator. Several women are featured in the film and each of them tell their story. They gather together as a group at one point to provide support to one another. A History channel video featuring a particular city under attack and they watched it together. They sat there in disbelief that the story was all about the male soldiers in battle in the city. Many of them were explaining that they were there in the city on that exact day fighting alongside these men but were never mentioned. Please, watch this video if it comes to a theater near you. Here’s the trailer:

Let’s bring the troops home.

And while we are at it, let’s tell the whole story about what is going on and who is fighting this war.

Thank you to the men and women who are serving our country.

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Happy 30th Birthday Brittany!! 


What would we do without our best friends? 

(the birthday girl dressed up as a “devil”ed egg & I’m not sure who the girl is with teal hair)


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Wedding Woman….

No, Morgan is not in the above video but she is planning her own big day. Yep, that’s right.  My sister is getting married and J-Lo in role as Mary, the Wedding Planner, has nothing on her.  Morgan and Jared got engaged on Valentine’s Day (everyone together— Aw!) and are getting married this June! No problem for this wedding planner, she is well on her way. Things are going to be beautiful for her wedding no doubt. 

You see Morgan is also the co-owner of a wonderful boutique bridal store in Chipley, FL called Celebrations Bridal & Gifts. You really should check out the blog (plus, you’ll get to read the proposal story!). Their wedding announcement was published today at Chipley’s very own online paper- The Chipley Bugle also known as the “Little Paper with the BIG Toot”. I’m not lying…. really. 

I’ll keep you, my fabulous few readers that I have posted on any developing details and experiences I have in being “Sister of the Bride” (Hey, Britt, that would make me SOB if we went to one of those bridal shows Lori dragged us to that time 😉 Love you Lori!). Here’s the only one I’ve got for you now… It’s quite amusing. 

So what happens when you can’t find anyone to go checking out bridesmaid dresses with? Here’s what happens: 

1. Google search the list sister gave you of options and find that there are two stores that carry them at the same location. Great! Plug address into the gps and discover your only 10 minutes away. Even better

2. Arrive at said location and discover the two have become one. It’s also prom dress season. Great. Enter into bridal store and find a sign that reads “Only by appointment”. Oh no

3. Greeted by a hurried salesperson who barely stops long enough to ask about the whole appointment thing. “That doesn’t apply to bridesmaid dresses. They are located over there in boxes (think wardrobe boxes) by designer. And no, I can’t help you because I’m busy.” Speechless. I know who my designer is, just point me in the right direction. 

4. Find the box by designer I’m looking for and get swallowed by the dresses while trying to find the style numbers I’m looking for. Think, “I hope my sister knows how much I love her” Rethink, “Of course, she does. She did this for me.”

5. Haul all the dresses (only about 5) that I needed to try on and sneak into a dressing room (all but one are locked and can’t seem to find a salesperson). oooo, this looks good. I brought my camera but how am I going to send a picture to Morgan?

6. Turn flash off of camera and begin to take pictures of self in the reflection of the mirror. Lovely pictures let me tell you. Lovely. Darn, I wasn’t looking at the mirror. Must take picture over. Smile, look at mirror, click. 

7. Return dresses to the box. Had one additional encounter with said sales person that is not worth mentioning except to say none of my friends out here will get a recommendation to go there for ANY thing related to their wedding. 

8. Report back to sister that all is done. 

Lesson: There are different kinds of bridal stores and Celebrations is NOT that kind. I promise. My mother and sister (and sometimes, Suzanah if you are lucky) give the best service ever…. really, go to Celebrations for all your wedding needs. 


Congrats Morgan & Jared! We’re so excited for you!!

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Life is Good

Life is good. Really.  And here are some of the reasons:




 Kate & Pablo invited us to attend the San Francisco Ballet’s Swan LakeWe  had never been to the ballet. It was beautiful…Here we are in the foyer of the Opera House. We are so glad that Kate & Pablo live in the city. We just wished that we could see them more often. 




Lesson Learned: Always review the picture after someone else takes it for you!!

Lesson Learned: Always review the picture after someone else takes it for you!!





Carmen & Bernie were in town for a convention and we picked them up in the city for a dinner out. We drove them over the Golden Gate Bridge at sunset and went to dinner at Horizons in Sausalito (yummy!) It was a beautiful view of the lights of downtown San Francisco from our table. Come back soon Carmen & Bernie!!







 Today I drove to Oakland to hear my friend & co-worker, Emily preach at her church, Plymouth UCC . She is a talented preacher.
Go hear her if you have the chance!! 





Most of all, life is going to be great in about an hour! I get to go pick my hubby up from the airport. He’s been in Atlanta at Lake Lanier with his buddies from college. I can’t wait to hear all his crazy stories from the weekend. Jovi and I are ready for him to get home! 


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Putting Up Walls

Generally speaking, I have not thought that the idea of putting up walls is generally a good practice. In some places, walls acted as fences as a way of keeping people out or retaining people in, depending on which way you thought about it. Walls we build with with our emotions and feelings can serve to protect us or help us hide from revealing our true self to others. Walls, in my opinion, have generally not been a good thing. 

In the movie, The Secret Life of Bees, (Go rent this right now if you haven’t seen it yet*) one of the sisters’ May has a wall built for her in the backyard. Her other sister, August describes it as her “wailing wall”. May has the overwhelming burden of feeling the sadness of the world. Her sisters attempt to protect her from sad news but it has a way of finding her. She writes prayers for the people who are affected and sticks them in the wall. 

In college, my roommates and I turned our dining room wall into a “wall of prayer”. It began with a beautiful puzzle of a butterfly and morphed into being a wall where we placed things we cared about and prayers we needed to let go of. It was a visual expression of the reminder that we cannot carry things with us. We give them over to the One who can carry them. 

I need a wall today. 

There’s been a lot of sadness around here this week. A young woman my age lost her father. Grown homeless men lamented that there are still not jobs available and there’s even more competition for the work force now. An injured soldier took his own life. Hundreds of people are living in what is now know as “tent cities” just two hours from my own apartment. A friend’s grandmother is sick. A town is rattled by gunfire from one of their own and I have friends in the town (who are safe thankfully). And it’s only one hour from where my parents live.

So this morning, claiming the new day, I put these up on the wall and ask God to be with those I cannot be with today. I’m asking God to offer comfort and love where there is sadness and grief. I’m asking God to be with those without hope right now. 

I need a wall.



*Or read the book which is even better…. (more…)

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Wordless Wednesday


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Wordless Wednesday


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